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recruitment market

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CVO Recruitment and Simplika rebrand as Grafton

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Important changes within CVO team

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Gi Group Holding, one of the world’s most reputable providers of labour market services, acquired our companies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

On December 6th, Gi Group Holding acquired 100% of our companies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The investment allows Gi Group Holding to strategically enhance its presence in the Baltics and take the next step towards creating a global HR services ecosystem.

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Five tips on how to find the right people for your team

The economy and the energy market are going through difficult times. Companies are announcing layoffs and hiring freezes, while employees are expecting higher salaries. But what should organisations and companies do if they wish to grow their team despite uncertain times?

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Who do headhunters hunt?

What does the work of a headhunter involve? And what difference is there between recruitment and headhunting? Let’s shed some light on the subject …

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Is now the right time to ask for a raise?

At a time when Europe is experiencing multiple crises and inflation is setting new records, employees have more reasons than ever to ask for a raise. Would it be foolish to waste this favourable opportunity to negotiate your salary? Should employees request the highest amount possible, given that this opportunity might not arise again any time soon? While the saying “there’s no harm in asking” is still as valid as ever, the current situation makes it wise to consider the positions of both the employer and the employee.

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Norwegian energy and green tech company establish in Tallinn in search for talented IT professionals

Norwegian tech company Cegal has opened a new office in Ülemiste City, Tallinn, to attract highly talented and skilled IT professionals. Cegal focuses on cloud technology and specializes in the energy sector and green shift for customers worldwide. The company is awarded many prizes for its work on diversity and for being a great place to work.

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Helpful insights for drawing up a modern CV. A LinkedIn profile is the modern CV, opening up many opportunities

When seeking employment, it is required to give potential employers an overview of your skills and work experience, and a CV is the most widespread form. The Internet is full of CV writing guides and it can be quite difficult for someone who is not involved with recruitment every day to evaluate what kind of CV is most attractive to an employer. A professional spends just seven seconds to review your CV and assess eligibility.

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Challenges and the future. How have recent crises changed recruitment?

The last couple of years have been difficult, perhaps even extreme – first the COVID-19 pandemic and then the war in Ukraine. Both of these are ongoing, meaning that isolation, fear and uncertainty will be with us for some time. These kinds of events bring about many changes in habits, plans and expectations; in addition, similar changes happen in our professional lives. Here are some findings illustrative of the current situation that every employer should take into consideration.

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Our headhunting network is global

CVO Recruitment has been operating in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania for more than 20 years. Over the years, we have supported thousands of companies, both local and international, in recruiting employees in the Baltics. However, looking for ways to strengthen our international reach and presence, we have joined global headhunting network InHunt World.

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Onboarding program completes a successful recruitment

Recruiting a new employee is usually time-consuming activity. Sometimes it’s also expensive and somewhat complicated. Therefore it’s even more important to understand that the recruitment of a new employee does not end with signing the employment contract. In order to have mutually satisfying new employment relationship, it is important to provide systematic support to the new employee, especially during the first months of employment – this is possible by implementing a well-planned onboarding program.

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What will the autumn bring to the labour market?

Spring was anything but ordinary, and in the light of this experience, it is more difficult than ever to predict autumn. However, by observing the labour market daily, we have written down what we are currently seeing and experiencing, and what we can draw from it for the coming months.

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